Sitecore Asynchronous Tasks

Sitecore provides the ability for custom tasks to run asynchronously.

Scheduler Basics

Sitecore’s scheduler is responsible for running background tasks.


The following terminology is used to describe how Sitecore handles asynchronous tasks.

  • Scheduler - Sitecore component that runs asynchronous tasks based on how the tasks are scheduled.
  • Task - A unit of work that is executed asynchronously. A task is implemented as a method.
  • Agent - The object used to schedule a task. The scheduler runs agents based on each agent’s configuration.
  • Job - A process that is running asynchronously. When an agent runs, it runs as a job.

Configuring Agents

An agent is used to configure a scheduled task. Agents are defined in Web.config and Sitecore patch files under /configuration/sitecore/scheduling.

The following is an example of an agent that is scheduled to run every 4 hours.

<agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.CleanupHistory" method="Run" interval="04:00:00" />

How the Scheduler Runs Agents

The initialize pipeline includes a processor Sitecore.Pipelines.Loader.InitializeScheduler. This processor creates a new thread. This thread sleeps for the amount of time specified in Web.config or Sitecore patch file by the value of /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/frequency.

This does not mean that agents run based on this value. It means that the thread wakes up and checks for agents that are ready to run. An agent cannot run more often than this value, but an agent can be set to run less often.

An example is useful for understanding the relationship between the scheduler’s frequency setting and the individual task’s interval setting. Consider the following Sitecore patch file:

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <agent type="Testing.Scheduler.MyTask1, Testing" method="Run" interval="00:03:00" />
      <agent type="Testing.Scheduler.MyTask2, Testing" method="Run" interval="00:06:00" />
      <agent type="Testing.Scheduler.MyTask3, Testing" method="Run" interval="00:12:00" />

The following is an example of when the various tasks will run if the Sitecore server is started and the scheduler runs for the first time at 09:00.

Last run: never
Last run: never
Last run: never
Last run: 09:00
Interval: 00:03:00
More than 3 minutes has passed, so start
Do not start
Last run: 09:00
Interval: 00:06:00
Fewer than 6 minutes has passed, so do not start
Do not start
Last run: 09:00
Interval: 00:12:00
Fewer than 12 minutes has passed, so do not start
Last run: 09:05
Interval: 00:03:00
More than 3 minutes has passed, so start
Last run: 09:00
Interval: 00:06:00
More than 6 minutes has passed, so start
Do not start
Last run: 09:00
Interval: 00:12:00
Fewer than 12 minutes has passed, so do not start
Last run: 09:10
Interval: 00:03:00
More than 3 minutes has passed, so start
Do not start
Last run: 09:10
Interval: 00:06:00
Fewer than 6 minutes has passed, so do not start
Last run: 09:00
Interval: 00:12:00
More than 12 minutes has passed, so start
Last run: 09:15
Interval: 00:03:00
More than 3 minutes has passed, so start
Last run: 09:10
Interval: 00:06:00
More than 6 minutes has passed, so start
Do not start
Last run: 09:15
Interval: 00:12:00
Fewer than 12 minutes has passed, so do not start


Agents are used to schedule tasks.

Implementing a Task

A task is a method that is run by an agent. The method must have a specific method signature:

public void Run()

Task methods do not return values and they accept no parameters. In order to pass parameters, use the class constructor or properties.

Scheduling Agents using Sitecore Patch Files

Scheduled tasks can be configured using a Sitecore patch file.

The following is an example of how to schedule a task using a Sitecore patch file.

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <agent type="Testing.Scheduler.MyTask, Testing" method="Run" interval="01:00:00">

Parameters can be passed to tasks using dependency injection. For more information on using dependency injection in this section.


When an agent is run, Sitecore calls the specified method. The method is called outside of the standard Sitecore request-handling process. As a result, the Sitecore context is not fully initialized.

One part of the Sitecore context that is initialized is Sitecore.Context.Job. This property provides access to an object that represents the current job.


Task logging is best handled by using the Status property on Sitecore.Context.Job. The following is an example of how to log messages from a task.

public virtual void Run()
    Sitecore.Context.Job.Status.LogError("error message");
    Sitecore.Context.Job.Status.LogInfo("info message");
    Sitecore.Context.Job.Status.LogException(new Exception("exception happened"));

Units Processed

If you look in the Sitecore log you will see messages (logged at INFO level) that indicate when a job started and when it stopped.

ManagedPoolThread #15 12:43:28 INFO  Scheduling.DatabaseAgent started. Database: master
ManagedPoolThread #15 12:43:28 INFO  Job ended: Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent (units processed: 2)

Some of the “Job ended” messages include a “units processed” count. If you want your task to be able to report this value, use the following code.

Sitecore.Context.Job.Status.Processed = 44;


Agents can cause performance problems on a Sitecore server. It is important to use them appropriately.


Scheduled tasks run as the anonymous user. A security disabler can be used to imitate specific users.

Database Scheduler

Sitecore’s Database Agent allows tasks to be scheduled in a Sitecore database. This means Content Editor can be used to schedule tasks.

Database Agent

The Database Agent is an agent that comes enabled by default. Just like all other agents, database agents are defined in Web.config or a Sitecore patch file under /configuration/sitecore/scheduling.

Each Sitecore database has its own database scheduler. The following is an example of the database agent for the master database.

<agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent" method="Run" interval="00:10:00">
  <param desc="database">master</param>
  <param desc="schedule root">/sitecore/system/tasks/schedules</param>

The Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent constructor expects following parameters:

  • string databaseName - Name of the Sitecore database that has the scheduled tasks.
  • string scheduleRoot - Path to the Schedule items in the Sitecore database.

In addition, Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent supports the following properties:

  • bool LogActivity - The database agent logs basic activity at the INFO level. If true the agent will write to the Sitecore log. If false the agent will not write to the Sitecore log.

Commands and Schedules

A command is a Sitecore item that specifies a type and method that can be run by a database agent.

A schedule is a Sitecore item that specifies when a command should be executed.

Implementing a Command Method

Command methods must have a specific method signature:

public void Run(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] items, Sitecore.Tasks.CommandItem command, Sitecore.Tasks.ScheduleItem schedule)


  • Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] items - When a command is scheduled, items can be specified. This parameter represents those items. If no items are specified, this array will be a 0-length array.
  • Sitecore.Tasks.CommandItem command - This parameter represents the command item.
  • Sitecore.Tasks.ScheduleItem schedule - This parameter represents the schedule that resulted in the command being executed.

Agents can cause performance problems on a Sitecore server. It is important to use them appropriately.

Defining a Command

Commands are defined in the Sitecore client.

  1. In Content Editor navigate to /sitecore/system/Tasks/Commands
  2. Create a new item using the Command template
  3. Specify the Type and Method fields.

Defining a Schedule

The database agent will execute the command based on the settings in the schedule.

  1. In Content Editor navigate to /sitecore/system/Tasks/Schedules
  2. Create a new item using the Schedule template
  3. For the Command field select the Command item you just created
  4. If the task applies to specific items, you can identify those items in the Items field. This field supports a couple of formats.
  5. For the Schedule field, you identify when the task should run. The value for this field is in a pipe-separated format.
Items field formats

The following are examples of values you can use for the Items field on a Schedule item.

Kind: Single item
Description: a path to the Sitecore item
Example: /sitecore/content/Home

Kind: Multiple items
Description: pipe-delimited set of paths to Sitecore items
Example: /sitecore/content/Home/Item1|/sitecore/content/Home/Item2

Kind: Query
Description: Sitecore Query format, but without the query: prefix
Example: /sitecore/content/Home/*

Schedule field values

The Schedule field on a Schedule item expects a pipe-delimited value make up of the following parts.

Position: 1
Name: Start date/time
Description: The task will not run before this date/time (in ISO format)
Example: 20040720T235900

Position: 2
Name: End date/time
Description: The task will not run after this date/time (in ISO format)
Example: 20060725T235900

Position: 3
Name: Days flag
Description: The days of the week when the task should run. The value is a flag, so the individual values below must be added in order to specify the days:

  • Sunday = 1
  • Monday = 2
  • Tuesday = 4
  • Wednesday = 8
  • Thursday = 16
  • Friday = 32
  • Saturday = 64

Example: 127

Position: 4
Name: Interval
Description: How often the task should run, in HH:mm:ss format
Example: 01:00:00

Jobs API

Starting a Job Programmatically

The following is an example of how to start a job programmatically.

public class JobRunner
    public Job CurrentJob { get; set; }

    public void StartJob()
        var jobName = "job name";
        var jobCategory = "tests";
        var siteName = Sitecore.Context.Site.Name;
        var objectWithMethodToRun = this;
        var methodName = "Run";
        var methodParameters = new Object[] {};
        var options = new Sitecore.Jobs.JobOptions(jobName, jobCategory, siteName, 
                                                          objectWithMethodToRun, methodName, 
        this.CurrentJob = Sitecore.Jobs.JobManager.Start(options);

    public void Run()
        if (this.CurrentJob != null)
            //do something

The Sitecore.Jobs.JobOptions instance tells Sitecore what to do. The constructor expects the following parameters:

  • string jobName - Name used to identify the job.
  • string category - Category used to group similar jobs. This value is arbitrary and can be used for whatever purposes you need. (Sitecore uses it certain cases to ensure that only appropriate tasks are performed. For example, the scheduler uses it to ensure that it only interacts with scheduled jobs.)
  • string siteName - Name of the site that Sitecore.Context.Site is initialized with.
  • object obj - The object whose method will be run.
  • string methodName - The name of the method on the obj parameter that will be run.
  • object[] parameters - Parameters that are passed to the method that is run.

Job Status

The Sitecore.Jobs.Job class has a property Status. This property is an instance of the Sitecore.Jobs.JobStatus class. This object is used to indicate the job’s status.

The properties on this object do not change how the job runs, but the values are important for communicating what your code is doing.

Consider setting the job status in your code. This will make it easier to debug problems.


A job runs as a thread, and when the thread returns, the job is finished. Sitecore keeps the job around for a limited amount of time afterwards in case you want to check its status. This is called the “after-life”.

By default the after-life value is 1 minute. It can be changed using the Options property on the job.

var job = Sitecore.Jobs.JobManager.GetJob("job name");
if (job != null)
    job.Options.AfterLife = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);


A job runs as a thread, so it is possible to set the thread priority.

var options = new Sitecore.Jobs.JobOptions(...);
options.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest;

Do not change the priority of a thread after it has started. This is a standard .NET recommendation.


The following job-related events are available.

Name: job:starting
Description: Raised before a job is placed into the thread pool
Sample handler:

public virtual void OnJobStarting(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sender, "sender");
    Assert.ArgumentNotNull(e, "e");
    if (e is SitecoreEventArgs)
        var args = Event.ExtractParameter<JobStartingEventArgs>(e, 0);
        //do something

Name: job:started
Description: Raised after a job is placed into the thread pool and has been started
Sample handler:

public virtual void OnJobStarted(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sender, "sender");
    Assert.ArgumentNotNull(e, "e");
    if (e is SitecoreEventArgs)
        var args = Event.ExtractParameter<JobStartedEventArgs>(e, 0);
        //do something

Name: job:ended
Description: Raised during the Job_Finished event
Sample handler:

public virtual void OnJobEnded(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sender, "sender");
    Assert.ArgumentNotNull(e, "e");
    if (e is SitecoreEventArgs)
        var args = Event.ExtractParameter<JobFinishedEventArgs>(e, 0);
        //do something